Dive into a tropical paradise or explore the vast Aussie outback with recipes from the Pacific islands and Australia.
Cuisines and Recipes of Australia and the Pacific
From carpetbag steak to e’ia ota, get all the recipes you want from the countries of the Pacific and Australia.
Australia: Recipes and Cuisine
Traditional Australian foods like meat pies, damper bread, ANZAC biscuits and pavlova are joined by dishes with Greek, Middle Eastern, East Asian and aboriginal influence.
Papua New Guinea: Recipes and Cuisine
The cuisine of Papua New Guinea is based on indigenous ingredients easily gathered from the jungle or cultivated in home gardens.
Samoa: Recipes and Cuisine
Samoan cuisine, like much of Samoan life, is enjoyed in a largely communal fashion. Families often gather together for a traditional umu firepit feast where pork is the favorite meat.
Tahiti: Recipes and Cuisine
The food and cooking of Tahiti is typical Pacific Island cuisine. Pork roasted in a firepit (ahima’a) is a highlight. Fresh fish and seafood are the base for many tasty dishes.
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