(Georgian boat-shaped cheesebread with egg and butter)
(Egyptian slow-cooked eggs)
(North African eggs poached in a pepper ragout)
(Angolan coconut custard)
(American egg and cream Christmas beverage)
(Jamaican baked fish and eggs)
(Latin caramel custard)
(Italian open-faced omelet)
(German deviled, stuffed eggs appetizer)
(American oyster and bacon omelet)
(Mexican ranch-style eggs)
(Persian herbed omelet)
(French Provençal cod and vegetables with garlic mayonnaise)
(Israeli, Jewish fried flatbread and eggs)
(Japanese chicken and egg rice bowl)
(Australian meringue with whipped cream and fruit)
(Venezuelan scrambled eggs)
(French bacon and egg tart)
(French Provençale tuna and vegetable salad)