One of the most important concepts for today’s cook is seasonality. This means using the right produce at the right time of year. For example, making fresh tomato dishes in August when tomatoes are at their peak. Or buying winter squash in the fall when a large variety comes on the market.
All the Reasons to Buy in Season
- Produce that is in season is fresher and has higher quality and more nutrition.
- Out-of-season produce costs more. It has usually traveled a very long way from where seasons are the opposite of yours. It takes money to move it that far.
- Moving a product that distance uses a lot of energy and packaging and is environmentally not very friendly.
- Seasonal produce is often local, and buying locally encourages local farmers to diversify their crops, and in turn, your economy.
- Our forebears cooked with seasonal vegetables out of necessity. Many traditional dishes just fit with the season: pumpkin pie in the fall; potato soup in the winter; radishes on salad in the spring; corn on the cob in late summer. It’s good to carry on the tradition.
Fall: Recipes in Season
Fall is a time of transition from the best of summertime produce to a harbinger of winter selections.
Spring: Recipes in Season
The widening array of springtime produce is a tempting harbinger of the larger harvest to come. Find dishes from around the world to fit the spring season.
Summer: Recipes in Season
Just as late spring produce begins to wane, heat-loving summer crops show up to eagerly take their place. Get recipes from around the world to enjoy in the summertime.
Winter: Recipes in Season
Choose warming recipes for the winter season from around the world.
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