Ivory Coast, Côte d'Ivoire: Recipes and Cuisine Image by babasteve The food of the Ivory Coast, or Côte d'Ivoire, has slow-simmered stews and a variety of starches and grains. Chicken and fish are popular. Tomatoes, eggplant and onions are important vegetables. Cassava root, plantains, and rice form the bulk of starchy calories. A popular dish in the Ivory Coast is mafé, or sauce d'arachide, which is meat in peanut sauce. Side dishes include fried or mashed plantains and attieke, grated and cooked cassava. Small, local restaurants called maquis serve dishes like kedjenou, chicken stewed with tomatoes and vegetables. Typical Ivoirian Dishes Click or Tap to Open/Close A list of typical Ivoirian dishes and foods. Use it to help you plan a Ivoirian-style meal, party or festival. Appetizers Aloco (Deep-fried plantain) Ignames Frites (Yam chips) Soups and Stews Ragoût d'Ignames (Beef and yam stew) Sauce d'Arachide (Meat or poultry in peanut sauce) Soupe d'Avocat Abidjanaise (Chilled avocado soup) Salads Salade de Cocombres et de Courgettes (Cucumber-zucchini salad) Poultry Brochettes de Poulet au Couscous (Chicken skewers with couscous) Kedjenou (Chicken cooked in an earthenware pot) Meats Boeuf aux Gombos (Beef with okra) Sauce à l'Aubergine (Meat in eggplant sauce) Fish and Seafood Gambas à la Sauce Blanche (Shrimp in white sauce) Poissons à la Sauce Tomates (Fish in tomato sauce) Poisson avec des Potiron (Fish with pumpkin) Poisson Braisé avec de l'Avocat (Fish braised with avocado) Vegetables and Beans Attiéké (Grated cassava) Foutou (Mashed yams) Ignames à la Tomate (Yams with tomatoes) Placcali (Mashed, fermented cassava) Tiba Yoka (Baked plantains) Breads and Grains Millet (Millet) Riz (Rice) Sauces Sauce Pimente (Hot tomato-eggplant sauce) Soumbala (Condiment from shea tree fruit) Desserts Fruits Tropicales (Tropical fruits) Gâteau à l'Ananas (Pineapple cake) Noix de Kola (Kola nuts) Beverages Bangui (Palm wine) Café (Coffee) Jus de Gingembre (Ginger ale) Thé Rouge (Red tea) Ivoirian Recipes Try these recipes from Côte d'Ivoire. Kedjenou (Ivoirian stewed chicken and vegetables) Foutou (Ivoirian mashed plantains; see Fufu recipe notes) Sauce d'Arachide (Ivorian meat in peanut sauce; see Mafé recipe)