Browse recipes from Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas and get tasty ideas for internationals meal from countries around the world.
Africa: Cuisine and Recipes
Find recipes and discover the cuisines, foods and culinary traditions of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa.
Caribbean: Cuisine and Recipes
Find recipes from around the Caribbean, including recipes for dishes from Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Haiti and other countries of the Caribbean basin.
Central America: Cuisine and Recipes
The cuisine of Central America is astounding in variety and flavor. Some of the world's favorite ingredients — corn, beans, peppers, potatoes — originated in this part of the world.
Central Asia and the Caucasus: Cuisine and Recipes
The Turkic and Caucasian countries at Asia’s core share a spare yet hearty form of cooking that mirrors the starkly beautiful landscape.
East Asia: Cuisine and Recipes
The countries of eastern and southeastern Asia have a culinary tradition that stretches back over thousands of years.
European Cuisine and Recipes
From the warm Mediterranean to frigid Finland, spanning Spanish plains to Russian steppes, European cuisine encompasses a dizzying diversity of geography, history and cultures.
Middle East and North Africa: Cuisine and Recipes
The cuisine of the Middle East is largely a version of “Mediterranean” cooking, a healthy combination of olive oil, vegetables, fruit, cheese and modest amounts of fish and poultry.
North American Cuisine and Recipes
Enjoy the bold, fresh flavors and cultural diversity of North American cuisine with tantalizing recipes from the New World.
Pacific Island and Australian Cuisine and Recipes
Escape to a tropical paradise or explore the vast Outback with recipes from the Pacific islands and Australia.
South American Cuisine and Recipes
Set your sites on South American cuisine, and get ready for the full-frontal flavor and head-spinning culinary diversity of a continent that knows its food.
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