West Africa has no shortage of long-simmered stews made with an dizzying variety of both cultivated and foraged greens.
Tag: Red palm oil
Hakô Bantara
Muamba de Galinha
(Angolan spicy chicken and vegetables)
Muamba de galinha is a spicy Angolan chicken dish, flavored with the fruit of a West African palm tree (dendém) and studded with pumpkin and okra.
(Brazilian fish and coconut milk stew)
Moqueca, sometimes spelled muqueca, is a simple yet tasty Brazilian seafood stew from Bahia state. As with many of the dishes of Bahia, moqueca shows strong African roots.
Ceebu Jen
(Senegalese fish with rice and vegetables)
A Wolof term meaning "rice and fish," ceebu jen is a tomatoey mix of fish, rice and cooked vegetables that shows a strong resemblance to Spanish paella and Creole jambalaya.
(Brazilian seafood stew with coconut milk)
Vatapá is a scrumptious seafood stew and is one of the classic dishes of Brazilian cuisine, hailing from Bahia state on the northeast coast where many of the dishes have African origins.
Plantain Porridge
(Nigerian plantain and vegetable stew)
Plantain porridge is a Nigerian vegetable stew made with the starchy cousin of common bananas.
(Senegalese black-eyed pea fritters)
Akkra bean fritters originated in Western Africa, but with the slave trade, they spread to the Caribbean and Brazil.